Sunday, August 19, 2012

New to this

I suppose this will be my first post writing about my family, baking and whatever other stray thoughts fall out of my head. I doubt anyone will read this, because I'm unsure I'll share this blog with anyone, but I think it might be fun to spew my thoughts on the internet from time to time.

My name is Jessica and I am a new mom, with a 4.5 month old named Zoe. Along with my husband, Patrick, we live with two silly pit bulls named Sarah and Lilliput (Lilly) and our roommate, who rents our basement named David. I used to be a baker, but am now a stay at home mom, thanks to day care costs. I never really did what I wanted to as a baker, which was cakes, and I got burnt out in the baking world, so I'm alright with not going back to it and will hopefully find something better to do for a job when Zoe's a bit older.

My life is fairly dull at the moment, with the exception of being amused by my baby, so I doubt I'll write here often, but I like the idea of it being here.

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