Wednesday, August 29, 2012

One Year

On Monday, Patsy and I celebrated one year of marriage. Between pregnancy and having our little girl, this year has gone by quite quickly.

The day started out rather crappy. I went to help my parents pack up some of their things because I thought they wanted to make it easier to move once my mom finds a new job. It turns out that one of the big reasons they're putting a bunch of stuff in storage is because they're afraid that my sister might break some of it.

My sister is 26 years old. She has a myriad of physical and psychological problems and lives with my parents because she's incapable of taking care of herself. One thing that she does not handle well is alcohol. She becomes an absolute idiot and sometimes gets violent when drunk. Also, it makes her very ill. Well, she's depressed because of her boyfriend, who lives two hours away on the coast and decided to drink away her sorrows, using my parents' wine. While my dad was working a graveyard shift she threw things at my mom, fell on her face charging at my mom and was generally being a psycho pain in the ass. My mom told me that she threw some canned food and a couple other things at her. What my mom didn't tell me, and what I found out when I went to set something on her tiny bistro table, was that my sister destroyed my mom's camera lens. The thing costs several hundred dollars and my parents can't afford to replace it. My sister was puking her guts out and I just wanted to slap her.

As awful as it is, I wish my parents would put her on the streets and let her sink or swim. I know that that's not fair, because she suffers from mental illness, but I hate her sometimes, because of the things she does to my parents. She thinks I'm like her and tells me about how awful our parents are and how she hates them, because she thinks I'd understand. I keep a blank face and yell terrible things at her in my head. We have great parents. They were understanding when we were stupid teenagers, raised three functioning adults (and one non-functioning) and now I consider them two of my best friends. I think that is a sign of successful parenting.

So, I helped them pack up my mom's glass knick-nacks and get their china cabinet into a uhaul truck and then told them I'd see them downtown, as I had to meet up with Patsy for our date. I was not in a great mood, as my sister has this rage inducing affect on me.

I met Patsy at his office shortly before our dinner reservation, so that I could feed Zoe before handing her off to my parents for the duration of our meal. Patsy's not a romantic guy, so I was quite surprised when he gave me a bouquet of orchids and lilies when I got there. I don't give him enough credit in the day to day, because when it comes down to it, even when he doesn't respond, or seem to pay attention, he listens. He listens enough to my babbling to know that I love lilies. Orchids are a given; I grow them in our living room and force him to look at them from time to time, but lilies would require him to hear me when I speak. Anyways, I fed Zoe and then got a little stressed out, because my parents were running behind and we needed to get to the restaurant. Granted, the restaurant was 3 blocks from Patsy's work and it was a Monday evening, but Patsy was bitching about how none of our parents are particularly reliable when it comes to being on time and I wanted to make sure Zoe didn't fuss while she was with my parents and I had already fed her. I knew they had to go to the storage unit before coming down, so I tried to get Patsy to shut up because he was stressing me out more. We ended up meeting them at the restaurant and transferring the ergo to my dad.

We went to a place called Mucca Osteria and the food was really great. The place was legit Italian, too, down to the waiter, and I wouldn't be surprised if he was the owner, shouting at the cooks in Italian, and the fact that I couldn't read the menu. Patsy and I ordered a caprese salad that was a tower of heirloom tomatoes, fresh, incredibly soft, creamy mozzarella, and basil, sitting in a pool olive oil and balsamic vinegar and sprinkled with some green that resembled clover. It was easily my favorite part of dinner. We also ordered two entrees and split both, so we could try some of each. We got a pasta dish with sausage and cherry tomatoes and a delicious, meaty broth, and then a gnocchi dish in a tomato cream sauce with some sort of Italian bacon. The gnocchi itself was good, but I wasn't a fan of the bacon, which is weird, because if I had to eat one food for the rest of my life, it would probably be bacon.

I really loved the food, but with the price, it's definitely a special occasion place. Unfortunately, given the location and the economy, I wouldn't be surprised if it folds. It's situated on a block of restaurants that are all roughly $12 and under a plate and it faces the MAX line, so not exactly a lovely view. I hope that it makes it, though.

After dinner, we met up with my parents and Zoe and got ice cream at Ruby Jewels. I got an ice cream sandwich with house made double chocolate chip cookies and salted caramel dark chocolate ice cream. There's something about salt and ice cream that is so delicious.

Zoe was completely passed on my mom in the ergo and they told me that it took a while to get her down, because while they ate sandwiches at Kenny and Zukes, she watched them intently and made chewing motions. I am so not ready for solids. My mom finds my trepidation hilarious.

My date with Patsy made the crappy parts of the day fade away and it was a great way to celebrate our first year of marriage. It was the first time eating dinner without listening for Zoe the whole time or holding her while eating, so it was just really, really nice. I can't wait to have another date night with my husband, and my parents have already offered to watch Zoe whenever we need them to!

To many more happy, argument filled, silly, ridiculous years!

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